
Muthukumaran Singaravelu

                     Welcome to this blog. I'm Muthukumaran Singaraveu, currently studying M.E. Software Engineering at CEG, Anna University, Chennai.              Through this blog I would like to share my knowledge.

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Tech Blogs in Tamil & English

1. The top five highest-paying jobs in the next ten years 2.  How to Watch Google's AI Search Event Tech Blogs in Tamil Tech Blogs In English

The best programming languages to learn

                                            The problem with Indian Engineering colleges (except for a few prestigious ones) is that all the programming classes are theoretical. The professor will just write on the board what’s written in the book without even explaining to us why. When we were students, we had so many doubt that is  ’What is the difference between Java and C#?’  ‘What are the other programming languages?’   ‘Where are they used?’ ‘What is the market demand?’   ‘What is the job market like?’                            A few years back when I started my coding journey, I had the same confusion. Which is why I am writing this article, because I don’t want you to waste the initial years of your journey doing what you don’t like.     ...

Artificial Intelligence

The thing that's going to make artificial intelligence so powerful is its ability to learn, and the way AI learns is to look at human culture. - Dan Brown                  Artificial Intelligence is the trending field in computer science.AI is a tool or technology for us. Humans have made some percentage of errors in the industry but the AI we’ve developed doesn’t make errors.                  This technology deals with the study and creates such machines (Intelligent Systems) that can think, learn, decide, act and work like human beings. The idea of artificial intelligence is based on the human intelligence that whether a machine can have the thinking capability like as a human. AI develops intelligent systems for specific tasks or unfamiliar tasks by using high order scientific manipulated data’s. In Artificial Intelligence, intelligent agents are studied that can perceive their environm...

Foundations of Programming -Introduction to data and data types

             In computer science, data is information that is stored or processed by a computer. While that might seem fairly abstract, there are a lot of data points we use in everyday life. A birthday, that's a data point. The latitude and longitude of a specific location. That's a piece of data. The name of a city. Whether a store is open or closed. Your initials. These are all data points.        We store them in different ways within a computer. But how exactly do we represent these in code? Or use them in our programs? Well, the short answer is that it's a lot of ones and zeroes.       However, to make it a little easier programing languages have created something called data types that we can use to represent common pieces of our data in code. What are some common pieces of data? Think numbers, letters, true or false values.       In the programs we create, we use and store...